
[Tutorial] List of iOS Daemons And What They Do

In the summer of 2022 I compiled a list of Daemons and what they do.

A lot of the info is from forums/web, a lot is from my own experimentation.


*This list is based on iOS 12 but all Daemons should be relatively unchanged even in newer iOS versions such as iOS 16

+ A B
1 ABDatabaseDoctor AddressBook database repair
2 absd Application identifier Fairplay Client Connected #DRM plugin?
3 accessoryd  Removing this will make accessories such as docks and other cables not be able to do anything except charge.
4 accountsd Accountsd is a daemon, part of the Accounts framework. Apple’s developer documentation says this framework helps users access and manage their external accounts from within apps, without requiring them to enter login credentials
5 adid ??? Ad id?
6 AdminLite When and app is not responding, this force closes it. You’ll have to wait for unresponsive apps if you delete this. The AdminLite framework’s sole purpose is act as a client to the com.apple.AdminLite service. There is are 2 functions in this framework, the high-level AdminLiteNVRAMSet and the low-level nvram_set.
7 afcd AFC (Apple File Conduit) is a service that runs on every iPhone / iPod, which iTunes uses to exchange files with the device. It is jailed to the directory /private/var/mobile/Media, which is on the second (non-OS) partition. The AFC service is handled by /usr/libexec/afcd, and runs over the usbmux protocol.
8 aggregate Create aggregate logs
9 akd AuthKit
10 and keyboardlayout
11 Applecredentialmanager ?
12 ApplecredentialManager  
13 apsd apple push service
14 askpermissiond It is a security/safety process that detects if the user should be asked for permission by password or other notification.
15 aslmanager apple system log
16 assertion_agent Create power assertion to prevent different kinds of sleep
17 assertiond Assertiond is the iOS system daemon responsible for monitoring application performance and access rights at runtime. Two things it monitors are the wall-clock time and the CPU time a process has access to.
18 AssetCacheLocator The caching server speeds up the download of software distributed by Apple through the Internet.
19 assetsd connected to the photos application “doesnt work without it”. Assetsd “handles names and description of photos” I think
20 assistivetouchd assistivetouchd “a funtional shortcutbutton that is draggable anywhere on the homescreen”
21 atc air traffic control
22 atc.atwakeup ATWAKEUP daemon sends a ping (aka signal) approximately every 10 seconds to any “sleeping” paired Bluetooth media device to wake it up...just in case you press the “Play” button in either the control center or multitasking view.
23 auth.agent  
24 AuthBrokerAgent The AuthBrokerAgent is responsible for handling proxy credentials. If the credentials of a proxy setup are improperly stored (for example in one’s keychain) then the AuthBrokerAgent can runaway.
25 awdd apple wireless diagnostics daemon
26 backboardd BackBoard, is a daemon introduced in iOS 6 to take some of the workload off of SpringBoard. Its chief purpose is to handle events from the hardware, such as touches, button presses, and accelerometer information.
27 backupd backupd daemon backs up your files every hour, meaning that when your Time Machine backup is running, you’ll notice backupd using up some CPU and memory
28 bird icloud documents
29 Bluetool ???? probably bluetooth related no sure try to keep off
30 bluetoothd bluetooth module
31 bookassetd seems to be tied to the download of books with the app “books”
32 bootps my own plugin probably
33 BTServer Bluetooth
34 BTServer.le Bluetooth
35 BTServer.map Bluetooth
36 BTServer.pbap Bluetooth
37 cache_delete deletes some kind of cache
38 cache_delete_app deletes some kind of cache
39 cache_delete_daily deletes some kind of cache 
40 cache_delete_mobile deletes some kind of cache
41 calaccessd runs when it syncs with email accounts or anything to do with your calender
42 CallHistorySyncHelper for mobile phones
43 captiveagent Handle captive WiFi login
44 cdpd tied to account and login services “probably a securityservice”
45 certui.relay When you are on a public network (like my school) and Safari can’t verify what website it is connecting to, it will say “This website is not verified” or something like that, and asks if you want to still continue. Feel free to delete this. 
46 cfnetworkagent Core Foundation networking
47 cfprefsd.xpc.daemon Core Foundation preference sync
48 circlejoinrequested ?????? securityrelated / Has something to do with connecting to nearby iOS devices but i could be wrong.
49 cloudd icloud
50 cloudkeychianproxy  iCloud Keychain
51 cloudpaird icloud related service
52 cloudphotod icloud related service
53 CloudPhotoDerivative Thumbnails for icloud
54 cmfsyncagent Communications Filter Synchronization Agent
55 CommCenter cellular data network
56 CommCenterMobileHelper cellular data network
57 CommCenterRootHelper cellular data network
58 companion_proxy handles connections to certain other devices using ports https://docs.libimobiledevice.org/libimobiledevice/latest/companion\_\_proxy\_8h.html
59 configd System Configuration Server, which means it monitors and reports on your Mac’s settings and status
60 contacts donation agent Provide contacts from a sync provider
61 contactsd Contacts handler
62 containermanagerd Mange App and Group containers
63 contextstored coreduetrelated which means it monitors and reports on your Mac’s settings and status
64 CoreAuthentication handles biometric data / touch id
65 corecaptured WiFi / Bluetooth diagnostic capture
66 coreduetd Coreduetd is the daemon that is used to coordinate with your Mac other Apple devices in close proximity, to facilitate Handoff and synchronize with Office 365, iCloud Drive, and similar.  
67 coreidvd iDVD is a discontinued DVD-creation application for Mac OS produced by Apple Inc. iDVD allows the user to burn QuickTime movies, MP3 music, ...Final release: 7.1.2 / July 11, 2011; this may be required for imovie
68 coreparsec.sillhouette part of Siri AI
69 coreservices.lsactivity.plist  lsactivity controls and helps with testing of the UserActivity feature and frameworks. The tool processes its arguments as command [ options... ] [ command [options...]]*  
70 corespotlightservice.plist spotlight
71 coresymbolicationd.plist 25 Symbolication means replacing memory addresses with symbols (like functions or variables) or for example adding function names and line number information. It is used for debugging and analyzing crash reports.
72 cr4shedd Crashed/ has to do with logging and diagnostics
73 crash_mover.plist moves crash logs
74 CrashHousekeeping removes logs
75 crashreportcopymobile.plist copy crash log
76 ctkd.plist Cloud Token Kit daemon
77 Cydia.startup  
78 dasd.plist Duet Activity Scheduler (DAS) maintains a scored list of background activities which usually consists of more than seventy items. Periodically, it rescores each item in its list, according to various criteria such as whether it is now due to be performed, i.e. clock time is now within the time period in which Centralized Task Scheduling (CTS) calculated it should next be run.
79 dataaccessd his daemon deals with syncing with Exchange and Google Sync
80 DataDetectorsSource The DataDetectorsSourceAccess command manages and controls access to the content of dynamic sources for the DataDetectors clients. This tool should not be run directly. 
81 defragd Defragment for APFS
82 destinationd maps destination service
83 device-o-matic Figure out what profile to present when the device is connected via USB
84 devicecheckd DeviceCheck is anticheat/modify software, might be riquiredReduce fraudulent use of your services by managing device state and asserting app integrity.
85 diagnosticd Diagnostics
86 diagnosticextensionsd Diagnostic extension / plugins
87 distnoted Distributed notificaions Distnoted is a system message notification process. Often Distnoted will go wild when another process crashes. This other process is what distnoted is attempting to processs the system message for. Locum is an example of a process that sometimes crashes and is tied to finder.
88 dmd YNOPSIS remotemanagementd DESCRIPTION remotemanagementd handles HTTP communication with an Mobile Device Management (MDM) Version 2 server, delivering configuration information to the local Device Management daemon (dmd), and sending status messages back to the server.  
89 DMHelper Kechain, SSL, bla bla, keep on
90 DragUI multitasking UI
91 duetexpertd reportedly an iCloud-related service. Not removable.????
92 DumpBasebandCrash Dumps crash for baseband. Baseband/telephony, disable if you do not want crash log or if you dont have mobile network
93 DumpPanic Dumps a log
94 EscrowSecurityAlert Escrow is a data security measure in which acryptographic key is entrusted to a third party (i.e., kept in escrow). Under normal circumstances, the key is not released to someone other than the sender or receiver without proper authorization
95 fairplayd.A2 FairPlay is Apple’s propietary DRM used to encrypt media purchased from the iTunes Store
96 familycircled familycircled is a daemon for iCloud Family
97 familynotificationd notification about family control “kid lock”
98 fdrhelper Factory Data Reset
99 Filecoordination coordinates the reading and writing of files and directories among file presenters.
100 Fileprovider An extension other apps use to access files and folders managed by your app and synced with a remote storage.
101 findmydeviced find my iphone
102 fmfd Find my friends
103 fmflocatord Find my friends
104 followupd This looks like it’s involved in the mechanics of notifications on a low level
105 fs_task_scheduler filesystem task scheduler
106 fseventsd Filesystem events
107 ftp-proxy-embedded File Transfer Protocol, keep this on
108 GameController  
109 gamed gamecenter
110 geocorrectiond GPS/Telemetry related
111 geod Geo-fencing + GPS
112 GSSCred The gsscred table is used on server machines to lookup the uid of incoming clients connected using RPCSEC_GSS
113 hangreporter logging of unactive apps “unactive apps are spinning, and will be sampled by spindump tool to dump logs”
114 hangtracerd logger
115 healthd HealthKit
116 heartbeat WatchOS heartbeat?
117 homed HomeKit
118 hostapd user space daemon for access points, including, e.g., IEEE 802.1X/WPA/EAP Authenticator for number of Linux and BSD drivers
119 house_arreset iTunes file transfer for application documents
120 iap2d USB 2.0 Acessory ON/OFF
121 iapauthd iAccessory authentication
122 iapd iAccessory Protocol handler Deals with companion apps for accessories
123 iaptransportd iAccessory
124 idamd ???????
125 identityservicesd identityservicesd is a background process (Identity Services Daemon) that deals with third-party credentials
126 idscredentialsagent identity services
127 idsremoteurlconnectionagent That software is ready to make any Instant Messaging connections you decide to make.
128 imagent Instant Message Agent (iMessage)
129 imautomatischistorydeletionagent iMessage History Deletion Agent
130 imtransferagent iMessage attachment handler
131 ind.plist ????????
132 insecure_notification ??????? #If i remember correctly. This daemon went absolutely crazy at some point. It can become a CPU hog.
133 installation_proxy Manages applications on a device. [most likely needed]
134 installcoordinationd installation software for installing apps
135 installd Mandatory for Appstore, probably installation software
136 IOAccelMemoryInfoCollector probably logging
137 iomfb_bics_daemon maybe needed for banking apps and other apps
138 iosdiagnosticsd iOS Diagnostics is an Apple internal application. It is the iOS equivalent of an internal Apple OS X application named “Behavior Scan”, used at the Genius Bar to detect and test different aspects of the device. ... app, and the diagnostic data is sent over the air to the genius’ device
139 lskdmsed Local System Kernel Debug Memory Daemon?
140 itunescloudd  iTunes cloud and Home Sharing
141 itunesstored Mandatory for Appstore 
142 jetsam 12412526  
143 keybagd Keybagd is a service that first appeared on iOS, and was used to control access to encrypted user data based on device state- some data can still be unencrypted while the device remains locked, but other data cannot. It’s since migrated into macOS.
144 languageassetd may be related to Siri try to leave on
145 libnotificationd DEBUGGING Disable used by cr4shed
146 locationd Location services  
147 lockdown lockdownd is a daemon that provides system information to clients using liblockdown.dylib, e.g. the IMEI, UDID, etc. Every information provided by lockdownd can be obtained via other means, e.g. the IMEI can be found using IOKit. The only advantage of using lockdownd is it has root privilege, hence avoiding having to assume super user.
148 logd Logging Daemon
149 lsd Launch Services daemon
150 lskdd Local System Kernel Debug Daemon?
151 managedconfiguration -mdm Mobile Device Manager daemon
152 managedconfiguration -tesla  
153 managedconfiguration-profile .mobileprofile management
154 Maps.pushdaemon push notification for maps?
155 matd ??? försök att ha på
156 mDNSResponer Behövs för Webbsidor mDNSResponder, is a core part of the Bonjour protocol. Bonjour is Apple’s zero-configuration networking service, which basically means it’s how Apple devices find each other on a network. Our process, mDNSResponder, regularly scans your local network looking for other Bonjour-enabled devices.
157 MDNSResponerHelper mDNSResponder, is a core part of the Bonjour protocol. Bonjour is Apple’s zero-configuration networking service, which basically means it’s how Apple devices find each other on a network. Our process, mDNSResponder, regularly scans your local network looking for other Bonjour-enabled devices.
158 mdt ??? försök ha på
159 mediaanalysisd used for videos and photos maybe
160 mediaartworkd iTunes Cover Art
161 medialibraryd ?? try to leave on
162 mediaremoted MediaRemote is a framework that is used to communicate with the media server, mediaserverd. It can be utilized to query the server for now playing information, play or pause the current song, skip 15 seconds, etc.
163 mediaserverd MediaRemote is a framework that is used to communicate with the media server, mediaserverd. It can be utilized to query the server for now playing information, play or pause the current song, skip 15 seconds, etc.
164 memory-maintenance probably cleans RAM or something
165 midiserver-ios midi such as MIDI
166 misagent Provisioning profiles  
167 MobileAccessoryUpdater It seems that fud is the firmware update daemon of com.apple.MobileAccessoryUpdater that presumably is responsible for firmware downloads for bluetooth peripherals and running the firmware update daemon
168 mobileactivationd Activation services. If you disable this, you may get temporary de-activation of your device, among other things. 
169 mobileassetd Mobileassetd is the daemon in charge of managing and downloading assets when other apps ask for them. Examples: dictionaries (for the user to see definitions of words), fonts, time zone database, firmware for accessories, voice recognition data for the Hey Siri feature, and OTA updates of the iOS firmware. I would recommend killing this daemon using CocoaTop and hopefully the issue should be fixed.
170 mobilecheckpoint dont know, low info, leave alone
171 MobileFileIntegrity checks file integrity
172 mobilegestalt The libMobileGestalt.dylib, even though technically not a framework per se, it is of utmost importance, as it serves iOS as a central repository for all of the system’s properties - both static and runtime. In that, it can be conceived as the parallel of OS X’s Gestalt, which is part of CoreServices (in CarbonCore). But similarities end in name only. OS X’s Gestalt is somewhat documented (in its header file), and has been effectively deprecared as of 10.8. MobileGestalt is entirely undocumented, and isn’t going away any time soon.
173 MobileInternetSharing 3G-4G-5G InternetSharing
174 mobilestoredemod storedemo function
175 mobilestoredemodhelper storedemo function
176 mobiletimerd alarm clock perhaps
177 mobilewatchdog  watchdogd is part of the watchdog infrastructure, it ensures that both the kernel and user spaces are making progress.If the kernel or user space is stuck, a reboot will be triggered by the watchdog infrastructure.
178 mstreamd is the process that transports pictures and video located on apple servers
179 mtmergeprops mergeProps is a function that handles combining the props passed directly to a compoment
180 nand_task_scheduler  
181 navd connected to gps and maps
182 ndoagent new device outreach service
183 neagent-ios Network Extension - Agent
184 nehelper-embedded  nehelper is part of the Network Extension framework. It is responsible for vending the Network Extension configuration to Network Extension clients and applying changes to the Network Extension configuration.  
185 nesessionmanager The nesessionmanager daemon If you look at the implementation of the ne_session_* functions, you will note that these functions are sending their request through XPC to the root dameon nesessionmanager located at the path /usr/libexec/nesessionmanager. This daemon is listening for commands and handles them in the method -(void)[NESMSession handleCommand:fromClient:]. By looking at the logging strings, you can find the code for each command: cstr_00072C74 “%.30s:%-4d %@: Ignore restart command from %@, a pending start command already exists” cstr_00072CCA “%.30s:%-4d %@: Stop current session as requested by an overriding restart command from %@“ cstr_00072D7D “%.30s:%-4d %@: Received a start command from %@, but start was rejected” cstr_00072DFD “%.30s:%-4d %@: Received a start command from %@“ cstr_00072E2D “%.30s:%-4d %@: Skip a %sstart command from %@: session in state %s” cstr_00072E73 “%.30s:%-4d %@: Received a stop command from %@ with reason %d” cstr_00072F7E “%.30s:%-4d %@: Received an enable on demand command from %@“ For example when an IKEv2 service is started, the method -(void)[NESMIKEv2VPNSession createConnectParametersWithStartMessage:] will be called. The architecture of the daemon is out of the scope of this article.
186 NetworkLinkConditioner  
187 networkserviceproxy Apple Network Service Proxy executable
188 newsd Apple News
189 newspolicyd  
190 NoATWAKEUP dont know, but disabling is widely done
191 notification_proxy leave on
192 notifyd It’s a system daemon that runs in the background to communicate with the update server. Killing it wouldn’t disable it, but you shouldn’t disable it anyways... Photo app depends on it “Ipad Air”
193 nsurlsessiond assume Safarirelated and such
194 nsurlstoraged nsurlstoraged is the daemon that makes this local storage possible. Safari is the main application that actually uses this capability, but a number of other Apple programs also use it: Mail, Calendar, and iCloud,
195 obliteration Erase device via AppleEffacableStorage
196 openssh  
197 oscard responsible for sensors such as autorotation
198 OTACrashCopier Moves crashes from Over the Air software updates to /var/mobile/Library/Logs. Feel free to remove the daemon
199 OTATaskingAgent  Tells the device to periodically check for OTA updates. Feel free to remove. 
200 parsecd Siri related process I think
201 passd Apple Passbook is a mobile application on an iPhone or iPod Touch that allows users to store .pkpass files called passes. Apple allows vendors to easily build passes that can be used as coupons, boarding passes, tickets, loyalty cards or gift certificates.
202 pasteboard copy paste
203 perboardservice v2 dont touch PREBOARDSERVICE / First login screen
204 PerfPowerServicesExtended  PerfPowerServices — manages structured log archives that enable retrieval of system power and performance data. DESCRIPTION The PerfPowerServices daemon works only within the context of a launchd job and should not be run from the command line.
205 personad  
206 pfd Packet Filter
207 photoanalysisd Photo Library
208 pipelined In computing, a pipeline, also known as a data pipeline,[1] is a set of data processing elements connected in series, where the output of one element is the input of the next one. The elements of a pipeline are often executed in parallel or in time-sliced fashion. Some amount of buffer storage is often inserted between elements.
209 pluginkit pkd — management and supervision daemon for plug-in services
210 powerd When your Mac goes to sleep after being idle, powerd is what makes that happen
211 powerloghelperd This is used to monitor any incompatibilities with 3rd party chargers. 
212 PowerUIAgent com.apple.PowerUIAgent process is associated with the optimized battery charging optio
213 preboardservice first login screen LEAVE ALONE
214 printd Delete this if you don’t use AirPrint
215 dprivacyd Differential Privacy
216 progressd com.apple.progressd progressd is the ClassKit sync agent. It handles syncing classes, class members, student handouts and progress data between student and teacher man-aged Apple ID accounts.
217 protectedcloudstorage  
218 ProxiedCrashCopier Move crash reports from devices like the Apple WatchMove crash reports from devices like the Apple Watch
219 ptpd Picture Transfer Protocol used to transfer images via usb 
220 purplebuddy related to restoration and backup from icloud “try to leave alone”
221 PurpleReverseProxy has to do with image and restore and such try to leave alone
222 quicklook Quicklook is the function that offers Finder built-in preview of any selected document in multicolumn Finder, or control-mouse click the file choosing the Quick Look menu, or File menu’s Quicklook function. Previews in the Finder’s Get Info window do the same thing
223 racoon Virtual Private Network service on off
224 rapportd  Daemon that enables Phone Call Handoff and other communication features between Apple devices. Use ‘/usr/libexec/rapportd -V’ to get the version.
225 recentsd Most recently used
226 remotemanagementd  remotemanagementd handles HTTP communication with an Mobile Device Management (MDM) Version 2 server, delivering configuration information to the local Device Management daemon (dmd), and sending status messages back to the server.  
227 replayd Gamecenter instant replay function
228 ReportCrash log files
229 ReportCrash.Jetsam log files
230 Reportcrash.SimulateCrash log files
231 ReportMemoryException  The ReportMemoryException command is a system service which should only be launched by launchd. It generates memory usage diagnostic logs as indicated by system events such as memory limit violations.
232 reversetemplated Create user folder layout from template
233 revisiond Historical file revision management
234 roleaccountd ?? leave alone This folder appears to be used for iOS updates,
235 rolld  
236 routined  routined is a per-user daemon that learns historical location patterns of a user and predicts future visits to locations
237 rtcreportingd looks to be a phone home to verify that your device is authorised for home sharing
238 Safari.SafeBrowsing  
239 SafariBookmarksSyncAgent  
240 SafariCloudHistoryPushAgent  
241 safarifetcherd Safari extension retrieves web pages and does a lot of the heavy lifting
242 SChelper Smart Card helper
243 screensharigserver AirPlay
244 scrod voice control related
245 searchd Spotlight
246 securityd Handle keychains etc
247 securityuploadd The securityuploadd daemon collects information about security events from the local system, and uploads them to Apple’s Splunk servers in the cloud
248 SepUpdateTimer Summertime Wintertime timer
249 sharingd  Generic “Share” action handler
250 sidecar-relay  Use iDevice as a screen
251 signpost_reporter Signposts is a developer feature created by Apple to help developers diagnose performance problems in applications.
252 siriactionsd Siri voice shortcuts
253 siriknowledged Siri related extension
254 softwareupdated update service
255 softwareupdateservicesd Tells iOS how to start and execute an OTA update, feel free to remove. Although DO NOT attempt an OTA update with this removed. I feel that it also stops the update from happening if the device is jailbroken. 
256 spindump dumps information log of spinning “stuck” app
257 splashboardd makes springboard function
258 SpringBoard  
259 storage_mounter The iPad Camera Connection Kit depends on this daemon. Delete if you don’t use it, or if you don’t have an iPad.
260 storebookkeeperd probably has to do with book app
261 streaming_zip_conduit Handle untrusted Zip content out of process
262 studentd studentd manages the Apple Classroom experience for students and teachers that use MDM and the Apple School Manager service.
263 suggestd suggestd is daemon that processes user content in order to detect contacts, events, named entities, etc. It receives content from Mail, Spotlight, Messages and other apps.
264 swcagent  Shared Web Credentials, uses NSURLSession to fetch the apple-app-site-association file.
265 swcd  Shared Web Credentials
266 symptomsd helper symptomsd runs as part of the CrashReportor framework.
267 symptomsd helper syncdefaultsd
268 sysdiagnose DEBUGGING
269 sysdiagnose_helper DEBUGGING
270 syslogd Logs system events
271 systemstats DEBUGGING systemstatsd is a “daemon” type process that generates data that the systemstats program can print out. It normally only runs when the systemstats program is actually run, which is only done manually from the Terminal as far as I know. It prints out a bunch of data that might be worth knowing. From a Terminal window you can
272 tailspind DEBUGGING An application asks tailspind and spindump to take a snapshot of the state of that application and write it out to disk, or; Some application or process would consume maximum CPU for some period of time (30 seconds seems to be the general consensus), and then tailspind and spindump would fire up to take a snapshot of what was going on for future debugging purposes.
273 tccd Total and Complete Control -TCC’s background service is tccd, whose only documented control is in tccutil, which merely clears existing settings from lists in the Privacy tab of the Security & Privacy pane. Its front end is that Privacy tab. In the unified log, TCC’s entries come from the subsystem com.apple.TCC.
274 telephonyutilites telephony utilities
275 TextInput.kbd input of text
276 timed Network Time Protocol
277 timezoneupdates TimezoneUpdates
278 tipsd Tip of the day
279 touchsetupd Touch Accommodations to fit your specific fine-motor skills needs. It’s recommended that you configure your preferences
280 trustd PKI trust evaluation // Required for web surfing, required for safe certificates
281 tvremoted Apple TV remote app
282 tzlinkd  Time Zones
283 UsageTrackingAgent  UsageTrackingAgent monitors and reports usage budgets set by Health, Parental Controls, or Device Management.
284 usb-networking-addnetwork usb/lightning to ethernet i think
285 UserEventAgent The UserEventAgent utility is a daemon that loads system-provided plugins to handle high-level system events which cannot be monitored directly by launchd.3555
286 userfs_helper user fileystem helper
287 userfsd user filesystem?
288 VideoSubscriberAccount Video Subscriber Account provides APIs to help you create apps that require secure communication with a TV provider’s authentication service. The framework also informs the Apple TV app about whether your user has a subscription and the details of that subscription.
289 videosubscriptionsd /usr/libexec/videosubscriptionsd (more correctly id’ed as com.apple.VideoSubscriberAccount.videosubscriptionsd) is part of the single sign-on video subscription services that Apple introduced into OSX/tvOS/iOS. Its part of the Video Subscriber Account framework (VideoSubscriberAccount.framework) and specifically relates to authenticating for video streaming/playback.
290 voiced Deals with voice control
291 voicemod Deals with voice control “I think”
292 VoiceOverTouch Voice Over Touch Function
293 wapic Deals with errors with Wifi networks with Chinese characters in the name /can prob be deleted
294 watchlistd dunno leave on
295 WebBookmarks bookmarks web
296 webinspectord webinspectord is the service in charge of all operations related to the use of the ‘Web Inspector’ on iOS. It runs an XPC service known as // webinspectord relays commands between Web Inspector and targets that it can remotely inspect, such as WKWebView and JSContext instances.
297 wifid wifi ID (maybe pass and such
298 wififirmwareloaderlegacy firmwarefile for wifi
299 wifivelocityd  used with wifi may be deactivated?
300 wirelessproxd , maybe used with airdrop wifi related 
301 WirelessRadioManager WIFI 
302 asd  daemon
303 synctodefaultsd most likely related to icloud sync
304 cloudkeychainproxy3 icloud keychain
305 analytics  
306 captiveagent checks to see if you are on a captive wifi network, such as subscription hotspot or “Mcdonalds wifi”
307 timerd timer function in clock app
308 pkd manages plugins in safari launchd
309 Oscard Core Motion Process accelerometer, gyroscope, pedometer, and environment-related events.
312   some daemons need a restart of the device to begin to function. Therefore troubleshooting is extremely troublesome, as you have to re-jailbreak multiple times if you are in a tethered JB situation. However, I’ve spent days compiling this list.
313   So wherever you start in your project. You allready got a head start thanks to this info.
314 imdpersistance IMDPersistenceAgent. It tells you that it is part of Messages application. It provides a background process for persistent messaging to notification center and other items, especially Facetime. If you don’t use any of that, go ahead and kill it but it will come back if you’ve enabled any messaging protocols.
315 cryptotokenkit CryptoTokenKitAccess security tokens and the cryptographic assets they store.You use the CryptoTokenKit framework to easily access cryptographic tokens. Tokens are physical devices built in to the system, located on attached hardware (like a smart card), or accessible through a network connection. Tokens store cryptographic objects like keys and certificates. They also may perform operations—for example, encryption or digital signature verification—using these objects. You use the framework to work with a token’s assets as if they were part of your system, even though they remain secured by the token.

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